Your Salon and Spa business clients offer their customers much more than just a haircut, facial treatment, spa session or other beauty and care services. The salon and spa visits are more about quality care, a variety of therapies or rejuvenation services, a relaxing atmosphere, and much more! The slightest error or omission at your salon clients’ end can get them trapped in legal or financial menace. Ofcourse, the aesthetics industry is constantly faced with serious stress about any moment of oops or ouch. Salon and Spa In s urance comes to their rescue. Not only does an Insurance policy for salons and spa give the business owners peace of mind, it also saves the business huge sums that could have been paid in third party loss settlements that why it is important to Buy Spa insurance in canada . Need more reasons? We’ve compiled a list of top 4 reasons why your salon and spa clients cannot just afford to ‘not have an insurance for beauty spa: 1. Financial losses can be gre...